Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 10

This has been one of our slower weeks, where not much has happened, but we know this is in preparation for our upcoming drywall.

Day 64 (10.07.10)- We had our pre-drywall meeting with our P, Travis, where we went over all of our specs and confirmed that everything was in the right place. We had no major issues, with the exception of our plumbing in Bath 2 still not being changed. He re-assured us that it would be fixed before the end of this week, being that drywall is supposed to start on Friday. Our PM realized that we were missing an outlet needed for all of our guardian goodies that are in a box in the master closet so he is going to have the electrician back out to add that along with an outlet for TV wall mount in our bedroom. We came armed with plenty of Sharpie's so that when it was over we could add our prayers/blessings onto the studs of our home. Shout out to Stacey over at Savoy-r-ing The Moment for the great idea. Later that evening all of the insulation had been added along with the rounded corners for the entryway to the den.

Day 65-  Nothing happened

Day 66- Deadwood was added- so that the TV can safely be mounted to the wall.City and private inspector came out for insulation inspection, and it passed. Hopefully they will start drywall tomorrow, and the masonry's will be beginning our brick early next week.

Right next to the front door
Entryway wall

The low wall bar in the kitchen 

Psalm 23. A family favorite added to the dinning room

We added an "In Memory " stud 

Rounded corners for our den/office

It already feels a little toasty with all this insulation

Living Room wall mount and conduit

Master bedroom mount and conduit. PM is going to have someone add more supports to the bottom since the gaps are currently to large.

The best of it all is that our closing date has been set for November 25th!!!! Our PM states that next week they may change this to a week earlier, because he thinks our home will be complete by this time next month. I don't want to get emotionally attached to the thought of closing early until we know for sure, but the 25th sounds great.

Until next time,
- The Alexander's


  1. hope you hear good news on the potential early closing! We were fortunate enough to get into our home 2 weeks earlier than anticipated. It's meant us scrambling this past month to get things done, but we'll take that hassle over waiting to get the keys.

    1. Me too. We haven't heard back from our SR or PM, but our finance company did assure us that the government shut down will have no affect on our loan. We were really worried about this and I sent a frantic e-mail to our LO, and she told us she got all of our confirmations prior to the shut down. Woohoo! Keep you fingers crossed that we have your type of luck and can close early.

  2. The house is looking good girl the hubby and I did our prayers and blessings too it took forever but it was fun so it looks like you all will be having a lovely Thanksgiving in your new home!

    1. It was a lot of fun. I don't think we will move in before Thanksgiving, because we're going to have the interior painted prior to moving in. I love Christmas and am so excited about being able to decorate and be in well before Christmas.

  3. I love the wall scriptures!!!

    A fellow blogger recently told me about that---I would have never thought of it on my own. My drywall is already up (this week), but she told me that there will still be plenty of spots where I can write my scriptures when I visit the house in a week or two so I'm looking forward to writing some of my favorite scriptures on the house.

    1. Thanks! The one's we wrote on the low wall in the kitchen is still exposed, since it is waiting for granite. Maybe placing it on the beams or top corners of counters that will be covered by countertops will work.
