Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weeks 5 and 6

Hey People!

Week 5:

So nothing exciting really happened, except for our final inspection of the foundation and delivery of our framing. Our PM called closer towards the end of the week to inform us that the framing would start the following week being that they were waiting for the remaining of the framing package to arrive. So hopefully from this point everything will be smooth sailing. One great thing is we've had the opportunity of meeting 3 of our neighbors. So far they all seem really nice, and the community appears to have a good mixture of people. For the most part I only do drive by visits since I work evenings, and I only get out and look around on my Sunday morning visits with hubby. Sunday is the only day when there are not a ton of construction vehicles around, and I take it others have figured that out too. Hopefully this upcoming Sunday we will meet more neighbors!
09/09/13 standing by our powder room looking towards the street
Our future dinning room looking to the back yard 
Week 6:
09/10/13=Day 37 Today we went by this morning to see if they started the framing and were so surprised to see the entire 1st floor complete. We actually went yesterday morning as well, but nothing was happening. We're not sure if maybe they started the framing late yesterday evening or this morning. I was so excited to see this happening I wanted to stay for 5 minutes and watch, but hubby thought we may have been distracting them since they began to watch us watching them. After taking the below picture they  quickly added 2 additional panes on the side where the guys are standing.  I can see how hard it is going to be for me to stay away now that this is happening. It also doesn't help that our apartment is about 10 minutes away.
Framing Has Begun! This was taken around 10 am.

This is what it looked like at about 1:30 pm. I just had to stop by on my way to work ;)

I am pretty sure I will be back sooner than later and have more pictures to share!
Until next time,
-The Alexander's

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